Sunday, June 29, 2008

A little piece of me

These two poems here are newer ones, both connected in a way. They are both a piece of me, of my thoughts, of my emotion, my thoughts. I've debated for a few days about whether or not I should post them, because they are so personal. They might not be my best poems, and they might not have that 'flow', but like I said, it's a piece of me.

Ice lodges itself
in my throat.
Gasping; I need air.
I stumble,
someone catches me,
wraps their arms around me.
Memories burned to
the under-side of
my lids.
I am weak,
my eyes close.
The pictures dance
in front of my eyes.
They stab my body,
I am weak.
Words try to calm me,
they do not work.
I gasp for air.
The memories come faster,
quick punches and blades.
Memories of a sister,
a friend, a hope.
I try to hide them away,
but I am weak,
and I am only me.

A Secret Wish
Can I get a moment
of serious thoughts,
because I need to talk.
I need to explain,
what's happening
with me.
Confused, scared,
angry, and only thirteen.
These thoughts
bother me.
I'll smile and lie,
but she still
haunts my dreams.
And in the quiet of the night,
I still find tears
in the corner of my eye.
I need a moment
of serious thoughts,
because I need to talk.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ACDC vs. M&M

A while back, Jon M. Chu (the director of Step Up 2) and Adam Sevani made a dance crew. They challenged Miley Cyrus and her best friend, Mandy, to an online dance battle. Both crews are really good, and the battle is still going on, even though the battle started in April. (Just for the record, I favor Jon's team, ACDC.) You can find the rest of the battle videos on Youtube. This is the first video.


Monday, June 16, 2008

A crazy ride home...and Speak

I'll start with the book first. =) Speak is Laurie Halse Anderson's first book. It is incredible. I just got done reading it, and loved it. It's so much better than the movie. And even though there isn't that much dialogue, it's still really good. Anyways, you'll have to read it for yourself. =) on to the ride home. We got to the train station early, because we had to get our tickets exchanged. Me and Molly wait on a bench while Mom goes to get the tickets. We wait a long time. When she finally does come back, she tells us that because of the flooding, we're going to be taking a bus to Spokane, and then getting on the train and riding it the rest of the way. After a little complaining, we stand up and go grab some stuff from the vending machines. (We had planned to eat dinner on the train, and didn't have anything for dinner.) We wait a while, and then our bus comes. As we line up, we start to wonder if the bus (that goes straight to Spokane. No stops.) will hold all of the people. It won't. Some of us end up having to go get on the bus that still goes to Spokane, but makes a lot of stops in between. Me, Molly, and Mom ended up on the bus that will stop. It's pretty empty, so we're happy for the moment. And then, they tell us that ten people are going to need to get off that bus because they're going to need a lot of seats for the people they're picking up later on. Thankfully, we don't have to move. Other people volunteer, and we wait to leave. When we finally do get moving, it's not that bad. I've got a seat to myself, and am completely happy. Even though I'm happy, it's still a long ride. We left the station around five (I think...I don't remember the exact time..) and we get in to Spokane around one. I pretty much got a seat to myself the entire time, which I was grateful for, because it made it a whole lot easier to get some sleep. When we pull in to the Spokane station, we end up waiting for almost two hours for our train to pull in. At that point, we weren't very happy. When we finally do get on the train, we settle in and then try to get some sleep. Thankfully, I slept okay...for the train, anyways. I mean, it was sleep, so I'm happy. The rest of the ride went smoothly, and now we are safely home, enjoying the sun and our own house.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I realize I haven't posted in a while. Sorry about that. Since I'm with Marce and her family right now, I've been kind of busy..and exhausted. =) On the train, I got two hours of sleep. Yeah. Needless to say, I'm still trying to catch up. And, of course, there is always the time difference. But, it's still been pretty fun. There have been some hard times when the memories just are too much, but I think it's been okay. I mean, every single day at home, I would come across something and just start thinking about her. Some days it's a lot better than others, but it's still a hard process. Incredibly hard. I'm just glad I've got a good family to help me through all this. I'm sure the memories will never stop coming, but I don't want them to stop. I can stand the tears, and the pain, because I know I will get to see her again. But for my time on earth, I don't want to just forget about her. I loved Kelly so much, and I still do. And, some of the memories I have of her are good, and some of them aren't. It's just the way that things work.


Friday, June 6, 2008

When You Look Me in the Eyes

Okay, the title has nothing to do with what I'm writing about, it's just the name of the song I'm currently listening to. =)
Anyways, tonight we're taking the train out to visit Marcy, Travis, and the boys. My dad has to leave again on Monday, because he's coming to pick up a car. But me, Molly, and Mom will be staying for a week. I'm really excited to see everybody again, but I'm also a little nervous. The last time we went to Seattle was for Kelly's treatments. I'm not sure how I'll react to being out there without Kelly. But like a lot of other things now, it's all a part of the process. And we'll be able to get through it. And the train ride is 17 hours, so I'll have lots of time to prepare myself. =)

Ahhhh....I'm getting super excited now!! The special edition of Eclipse was released about a week ago, and it contains the cover art of Breaking Dawn and also the first chapter!!! Of course I'm going to buy it! (and most likely read the chapter over and over and over...well, you get the idea.) The cover art is already up on the site, and I've stared at it for a while now. =) Only 56 days now. I'm hoping that the time will go by quickly, but to make it go by even faster, I'm currently rereading all three books. This is my fourth time reading Twilight, and I still love it just as much as the first time I read it. My poor paperback is falling apart. Speaking of Stephenie Meyer and her awesome writing ability, I finished The Host a while ago, and loved it! It was incredible. I can't really talk about it though, because my mom is currently reading it, and I don't want to give anything away. more thing. I went to Indiana Jones when it came out, and was super excited to see the Twilight trailer in the previews! It's the same one they've had on the site, but it looks amazing on the big screen. So, look for it in the theaters!!!!!!

Alright...I suppose I should go pack now. =)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The River

Yesterday my dad didn't have to work, and it was absolutely beautiful outside. So, we loaded up the car and headed up to Glacier Park. We went to Apgar and found a spot by the river. The water was really high, and there was no beach at all. So me and Molly found a spot that where we could sit on the rocks, and still stick our feet in the water. Which is what we did. Of course, the water was freezing cold because it's all from the snow that's melting, so we quickly would pull our feet out. It was a good day of relaxation.

The River
A scatter of rocks,
two girls sitting.
One with a book,
the other with a barefoot
in the water.
A silly joke,
a moment of laughter.
Silence again.
An observation,
a question.
The book put down.
A short discussion,
two smiles and sunlight.
Watching the world;
the smell of sunscreen.
Shorts and tank-tops,
first day of summer.
Two sisters,
a silent bond.