Thursday, January 3, 2008

Can you say crazy?

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but my 2007 was..interesting. The year started with being moved to a semi-new town, and starting at a new school. Fun, right? Uh, no. Not exactly. Three months later, I was home-bound. Finally! I survived the rest of the school year, and got all excited for summer, because that's the type of girl that I am. Summer was fun, but we were limited to one small camping trip. =( A shame really. Other than that, my summer was spent at home, chilling with my friends and rocking Guitar Hero. It was an uneventful summer, but still packed with fun. (Well, if making short, stupid, 'horror' films is fun, that is) Alas, it did not last long. I started school again, but was, yet again, moved to that not-so-new town again, about a month in to the school year. Luckily, the new school is awesome, thanks to my new buds. My own birthday (taking place in November), was pretty dang awesome if I do say so myself, even though my bestest buddy in the entire world (Kels, that would be you) didn't get to be there. After my b-day, the holiday season came fast. December flew by. My school let out way early, giving us three weeks for Christmas vacation. (Sounded like fun at the time, but I am so ready to be back) Christmas was super fun, despite the fact that I was sick. After Christmas, we had New Years Eve. Nothing big happened, but we still had a good time. All in all, my year was crazy, but still fun.
I hope everyone is having a great 2008 so far.


1 comment:

Patty Grubb said...

so glad you still thought the holidays were great and lots of fun - especially under the circumstances of our situation. that just shows how strong you are and able to really live, victoriously in spite of your situation!!!!! I LOVE YOU A BUNCH!!